Outsourcing on Smource

Only registered users can buy services Smource. Joining Smource is easy and free.

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Once you have found a service you like, look through the Freelancer’s profile and portfolio. Contact them for further information or purchase their service and provide details of your requirements.

You will receive competitive bids from our pool of Freelancers. Review the Freelancers offers and look through their profile and portfolio. Once you are satisfied with their proposal, award the job to the Freelancer and they will begin the job once the order has been made.


You can pay for services using your local currency. You may not pay Freelancers directly using any payment method other
than ordering through Smource. Requesting or accepting an offer to exchange contact details or to transact business
off the platform is a breach of our terms.

Orders and Reviews

Always communicate well for the Freelancer to understand your needs in order to successfully deliver your order. If your expectations are met, leaving the Freelancer a good review can help to increase their business. The Freelancer will also be able to leave a review of their experience, which will be displayed on your profile.

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